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Know Before You Go!

Plan Properly for your visit & activity on Monomoy Island.                                   
While beautiful, make no mistake, Monomoy is a remote, harsh, and demanding environment.  It is vital that you plan your visit and understand that, should you take the shuttle and visit Monomoy, you will be on your own for a considerable amount of time.  Depending upon the tides and weather conditions, evacuating you, should there be an emergency, may take up to 10 hours by boat (in the extreme) or 60 minutes or more by helicopter.  Situational awareness and being aware of your surroundings at all times is a necessity.  Knowing where the high ground land mass is at all times is of the utmost importance.  If you are wading on the flats and see a whisper of fog, it will be imperative that you immediately adjust your position and move towards the land mass and higher ground.  Safety first.  Weather conditions can change from bright and sunny to dense fog within moments.  Making frequent mental notes of where the land mass is situated will help you to retreat to higher ground if need be.  Even with your back to the land mass and close to the high water mark, Monomoy still offers plenty of opportunities to bring in Stripers until the fog lifts.  Just remember, when you visit Monomoy, you must go fully equipped with your own self-reliance.  Please review the following "Know Before You Go" information and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.   

1.   Departure Location at:

      Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, Morris Island, Chatham, MA 02633

      Departing from Botton of Beach Stair Case

      Coordinates:   41.656423, -69.958750



2.   Monomoy Island Drop Off / Pick Up Point "A"

      During Normal Tides

      Coordinates:   41.617915, -69.981621



3.   Monomoy Island Drop Off / Pick Up Point "B"

      During Low Tides

      Coordinates:   41.609355, -69.99486



4.   Emergency Evacuation Point by boat 

      Same as Drop Off / Pick Up Point "B"

      Coordinates:   41.609355, -69.99486


5.   Plan ahead and bring ample drinking water to last 6 to 10 hours in case of emergency.


6.   Compass - make sure to bring a quality functioning compass.  


7.   Handheld GPS - bring one.  If the fog rolls in, your life could depend upon it in order to safely make your way back to the main shoreline.


8.   Signaling Whistle.


9.   Small Signaling Mirror. 


10.   Sunscreen.


11.   Cell Phone with a Full Charge.  Turn your phone completely off while on Monomoy in order to conserve battery in-case of emergency.


12.  Small Back Pack for your gear & equipment.


13.  Sunglasses.  Preferably polarized. 


14. WIDE BRIMMED Hat to protect your head from the sun.


15. Layered Clothing due to changes in temperature.


16. Small Flashlight.


17. Rain Poncho.


18. Small Compact Silver Space Blanket (just in case!).  These are light weight and take up no space and can keep you warm if there is a chill in the air. 


19. Clif Bars to curb hunger.


20. Carry-in, carry-out policy:  take all trash with you.


21. Please leave only footprints, take only photographs.


22. Please Respect Wildlife.


23. Please be Considerate of other visitors.


24.  Please be Aware of your Surroundings at ALL TIMES. 


25. Please make sure to eat a light dinner the evening before your excursion.  There are no porta potties on Monomoy.


26. Did we mention to bring ample drinking water?  Well, we are mentioning it again!


27. Please do not walk or tread behind the U.S. Fish & Wild Service signs.


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